Name of Planet
Astrographical information
Region -
Sector Thuldan Sector (18.1)
System -
Suns -
Orbital position -
Moons -
Grid coordinates -
Distance from core -
Trade routes -
Rotation period -
Orbital period -
Physical information
Class -
Diameter -
Atmosphere -
Climate -
Primary terrain -
Surface water -
Points of interest -
Flora -
Fauna -
Societal information
Native species -
Primary languages -
Government -
Population -
Demonym -
Major cities -
Affiliation -

Planetary features

Cities and regions

Points of interest

Land features and formations

Flora and Fauna



  • high tech
  • strong people
  • stoic
  • no need for aesthetics, pure utility
  • used to have civil war, planet divided in half geographically, now all is better
  • people are trying really hard to redeem themselves from the horrors of that war
  • opera
  • fast and sturdy vehicles
  • skyscrapers
  • mountains and forests
  • meaty foods
  • dragons
  • fey
  • some natural element is random or uneven. different hours in different days? irregular seasons? maybe brought about by binary suns
  • emphasis on heritage
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